

❤ 27-04-2010  💖 30-12-2021

Inassicas Coriander Cheer’s Way Of The World Shanlimore Baronet
Cheer’s Nathalie
Inassicas Sea Mayweed Stenbury Waterwing Shot
Inassicas Chacarelle
Broadway Of The Morning Valley Ritzilyn Brandon Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood
Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
Moondust Highland’s Heritage Garbank Lislone Jackpot
Garbank Rainbow

26-03-2011 Dogshow Cloppenburg Excellent
01-05-2011 GRCN Kastanjeshow 2 Excellent
02-06-2011 GRCN Kampioenschapsclubmatch Excellent
09-07-2011 Dogshow Timmerlage Excellent
2011 Dogshow Mechelen 4 Excellent
26-11-2011 Dogshow Cloppuburg Excellent
10-12-2011 Dogshow Kassel 4 Excellent
08-01-2012 GRCN Nieuwjaarsshow 3 Excellent
18-02-2012 Dogshow Leiden Excellent
24-03-2012 Dogshow Cloppenburg Excellent
29-04-2012 GRCN Koninginneshow Excellent

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